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  • 电泳

    发布日期:2014-12-10 11:08:58 作者:无锡华友微电子有限公司

          电泳又名—— 电着(著),泳漆,电沉积。创始于二十世纪六十年代,由福特汽车公司最先应用于汽车底漆。由于其出色的防腐、防锈功能,很快在军工行业得到广泛应用。近几年才应用到日用五金的表面处理。由于其优良的素质和高度环保,正在逐步替代传统油漆喷涂。

    (3)涂膜厚度均匀,附着力强,涂装质量好,工件各个部位如内层、凹陷、焊缝等处都能获得均匀、平滑的漆膜,解决了其他涂装方法对复 杂形状工件的涂装难题;

          Electrophoresis -- also known as electric (), electrophoretic paint, electrodeposition. Founded in twentieth Century sixty years, by Ford car company was first applied in automobile primer. Because of its excellent anti-corrosion, rust proof function, soon to be widely applied in the military industry. In recent years, it is applied to the surface treatment of daily hardware. Because of its excellent quality and high environmental protection, is gradually replacing the traditional painting.
          Electrophoretic coating has plump, smooth, uniform coating, smooth merit, electrophoresis paint film hardness, adhesion, corrosion resistance, impact properties, permeability is obviously better than other coating process.
    With the characteristics of:
    (1) the water soluble paint, with water as the dissolution medium, saves a large amount of organic solvent, greatly reducing air pollution and harmful to environment, health and safety, and avoids the hidden trouble of fire;
    (2) coating with high efficiency, small loss of paint, paint utilization rate of up to 90% ~ 95%;
    (3) film thickness, strong adhesion, good coating quality, various parts such as inner layer, depression, workpiece welding joint can obtain uniform, smooth film, solves the problem of complex shape workpiece coating on the other coating method;
    (4) the construction of high production efficiency, can realize the automation of continuous production, improve labour efficiency;
    (5) complex equipment, high investment cost, large power consumption, high temperature drying and curing requirements, coating, coating management complex, construction condition strictly, and the need for wastewater treatment;
    (6) only use water soluble paint, does not change color in the coating process, coating is not easy to control long storage stability.
    (7) electrophoresis painting equipment complex, high technology content, suitable for color fixed production.

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